About me
I am a UX Designer with enterprise, consumer, and exhibit experience. I’ve designed products for retail, hospitality and financial/BI applications on everything from wearables and mobile devices up to large scale kiosks in retail environments, visitor centers and museums.
Awards and achievements
• 2021 Inventor of the Year award recipient from NCR
• 19 patents pending 
• 2 time hackathon finalist 
• 1 hackathon placed 4th in competition with over 400 teams worldwide

Software: Figma, Sketch, Adobe Suite (Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, XD), Unreal Engine 
Engineering: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Lottie (JSON) animation, Vuforia, WebXR 
Design: Fast paced prototype production, design thinking workshops, journey mapping, storyboarding 
Technique: AR/VR applications, desktop, mobile, and kiosk apps, documentation, accessibility and ADA compliance experience
Research: Qualitative and quantitative research, interviewing in the field or lab environment
Bachelors of Fine Arts/Digital Media, Savannah College of Art and Design • Magna Cum Laude 
Continuing Education: Udacity Front End Developer Nanodegree, GCP Foundations, Unity Learn AR/VR courses
Volunteer and extracurricular work
HackGT • Big Brothers Big Sisters • Girl Develop IT • Save the Horses
NCR | UI/UX Designer | October 2018 - Present
Leading contributor in winning Computer Vision and AR experience innovation teams in 2 hackathons, competing with over 400 teams. Served as UX Architect, created the final presentation video and presented our idea to clients and company board members in New York at the NRF Conference. 
Created and tested 100+ NCR design system elements and animations to be used across many of NCR’s nextgen products including Self Checkout, Mobile Shopper etc. These apps handle millions of dollars of transactions worldwide each day. 
Design lead for our next gen Mobile Shopper app. I was primarily responsible for the wireframes and prototypes that were then tested by the research team. I also lead documentation and design system efforts for that product. 
Participated in design thinking workshops with companies like Coke and Walmart to ideate on specific solutions for their businesses. The resulting artifacts and solutions drove changes to the existing products and physical spaces such as store layout and ergonomic improvements of hardware that we produce.

August 2022 - July 2023 
I was a high level contributor to the design system efforts for the robotics division for Amazon. My team and I held research sessions, then I took the resulting data and reviewed usage analytics to iterate and improve on existing design assets as well as create additional  components for the Figma library. 
I used Atomic Design principles to organize the design system's library architecture.
AT&T | UX Designer | July 2017 - October 2018 
In just 5 weeks, a very small agile team of one information architect, one developer and myself as the UI/UX Designer designed and delivered a time reporting tool that helped save our organization over $1 million in reporting errors. 
Lead design and development efforts for several internal tools. 
Designed a 508 compliant UI for a ticketing system for FirstNet, a governmental telecommunications infrastructure product. 
Conducted UX research sessions, created style guides and coded HTML email campaigns for the Premier enterprise online store platform.

Satori Interactive | UX Designer | Nov 2016 - Feb 2018 
Conducted UX research sessions and designed/developed high fidelity Axure prototypes for a business finance reporting tool for IHG, a large hospitality company.
Designed UI for a tablet based sales tool and treatment management dashboard with designs for errors, action feedback, and insufficient data scenarios for Previcox, a veterinary pharmaceutical product.
Developed IA and UI design for an industrial textiles company website. Developed a WordPress theme to include industry specific calculators and tools.
Built Axure component libraries.
Conisus | Visual Designer | Feb 2016 - October 2016
Designed UI and programmed numerous forms, websites, HTML emails and e-learning video applications for the pharmaceutical marketing firm. I also created presentations for stakeholders and agency clients.
I produced video, graphics and interface design products for multi-million dollar companies such as Pharmacyclics, Celgene, and TG Therapeutics.
Various Companies | UX Designer | Feb 2013 - October 2016 
I worked on a contract basis with a client base of mostly enterprise clients. I built websites with CMS systems, designed app comps and conducted research to better strategize client's projects.

Malone Design and Fabrication | UX Designer | Jan 2011 - Feb 2013
I lead the AV department at Malone Design Fabrication, a company which designs, fabricates and installs high end exhibits and interior elements for the commercial, museum and film industry. I designed and built the applications for our exhibits all around the United States. Some places where my interaction design can be seen is Smoky Mountains National Park Visitors Center, Georgia Aquarium, Sevilletta Visitors Center, Osceola County Florida Visitors Center, etc.
I directed photography on 6 films for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, shown in our exhibits throughout the country and supervise the creation of other low and high tech (utilizing Flash, touchscreen and pushbutton systems) AV interactives in our exhibits. 
My project concept for Auburn University Fish Hatchery and Aquatic Services exhibit won the company a contract worth $400,000.00.
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